Saturday, March 5, 2011

Protect yourself- Use the "CLEAR" button at ATMs/Gas Pumps

This is those of you who might use your Debit card at the ATM...Good tip

Using the "clear" button

Using credit/debit card?

Read this note very carefully

Did you know about the clear button, Pushing the clear button before you swipe your credit card, then again after you get your receipt. This clears the previous customer's information before you insert yours, and removes YOUR information so NO clerk can use YOUR card to buy fuel for THEIR vehicle after you leave the pump.

People are getting really desperate due to the constantly rising gas prices. Upon investigation, it was found that if you don't press the 'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store are able to use your card to purchase their own gas after you leave the pump!

To keep this from happening, after you get your receipt, you must press the 'CLEAR' button OR your information will be stored until the next customer inserts their card.

Be sure to tell all your friends/family so that this doesn't happen to them. I had never noticed the clear button till about a year ago & now I have been hitting the clear button after my purchase every time. This isn't new, but it is worth resending in case some are not aware of this.

This is a good habit to get into just before you leave the pump.

Lower left corner...look for it!

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