Sunday, July 15, 2012

Did you know that VINEGAR can be used for...

...a whole lot!!!!???

The uses for vinegar are many, and some new use is always being found. These are just some that can be used at home for our daily chores:
  • Clean windows by using a mixture of water and vinegar.
  • Dampen a cloth with vinegar to remove stains from chrome and stainless steel.
  • Wipe shower walls and door with vinegar-soaked cloth to remove and prevent mildew and mold from growing.
  • Use water and vinegar to rinse glasses and dishes to remove film and spots.
  • Add vinegar instead of water to the coffee maker and run the cycle. Then add plain water and run through cycle again to rinse. Will remove buildup of scale.
  • To remove scale from teakettle, add water and vinegar and let stand overnight.
  • To clean a hardened paint brush, let it simmer in boiling water and rinse in very hot soapy water.
  • Wipe your oven frequently with vinegar, that will help prevent a buildup of grease, making cleaning much easier.
  • Adding a little vinegar to the water will make cleaning your car easier and make it shine.
  • When seats in cane chairs start to sag use a solution of half water and half vinegar. Heat solution until hot, then sponge the seats and place outdoors in the sun to dry.
  • Add a little vinegar to the water when mopping tile floors. It will make them shine and also act as a deodorant and prevent mold and mildew.
In the kitchen and the preparing of foods, there are many uses as well:
  • Rinse your fruits and vegetables in a solution of vinegar and water before eating or preparing the food for cooking.
  • Make a better piecrust by adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar to recipe. The crust will be flakier.
  • Add a little vinegar when boiling eggs. If there are cracks in the egg, it will prevent the whites from leaking out.
  • Add a teaspoon of vinegar when poaching eggs to prevent separation.
  • When canning or preserving foods, wipe the jars with vinegar. That will prevent the buildup of mold producing bacteria.
  • To improve the taste of fish when cooking, rinse in a solution of vinegar and water. Much of the fishy taste and odor will be removed.
  • A spoon full of vinegar added to the water when cooking cauliflower will make it whiter, and when cooking green vegetables, it will make them greener.
  • Adding a tablespoon of vinegar to gelatin will make it firmer.
  • Add a 1/8 to ¼ cup of cider vinegar when soaking beans to remove the gas from the beans.
  • Cabbage odor can be removed when cooking cabbage by adding some vinegar to the water.
  • To prevent mold from the end of an uncooked ham, just rub some vinegar on it.
  • To make a real fluffy meringue, add one teaspoon of vinegar to 3 egg whites.
  • Adding vinegar to the water when boiling a ham will remove the salty taste and improve the flavor.
  • New Englanders put vinegar on their French fries. It is also used that way in the UK.
In health related issues, vinegar has many applications. Some such uses are:
  • For skin burns apply ice-cold vinegar immediately. Use cold compresses by soaking a cloth in vinegar. Using these compresses 3 or 4 times daily. Doing this can prevent blisters from forming.
  • Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to water in a plastic pan. Use to soak your feet to soften calluses. Makes trimming toenails and cuticles much easier.
  • Add 2 cups of cider vinegar to a hot tub. Makes an excellent soak for muscle soreness. This reduces the soreness by adding potassium to the muscles.
  • One of the best uses is making solution of half vinegar and half water, this basically is a solution that could be bought commercially, and was called “Burrow’s Solution”. It is an excellent solution to reduce the swelling and inflammation of a sprained ankle, by applying a cold compress. Use it also for any other injury that causes pain, swelling, and inflammation.
The versatility of vinegar makes it practically mandatory that all households have a bottle of white, and a bottle of apple cider vinegar in the pantry. And you needn’t worry about it becoming outdated or spoiling. It doesn’t spoil and can be kept indefinitely.    

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